About 1 in 10 Americans are currently battling the disease, according to statistics from the American Diabetes Association.

A mother of three who reversed her Type 2 diabetes through exercise and diet is running with her daughter during a fitness class.

The president noted on the steps of the White House that the disease, particularly Type 2 diabetes, is an American problem that isn't going away.

About 1 in 10 Americans are currently battling the disease, according to statistics from the American Diabetes Association.

The president called on Americans to participate in activities that raise diabetes awareness and help prevent, treat, and manage the disease.

reverse it in Jody's case.

A mother of three who reversed her Type 2 diabetes through exercise and diet is running with her daughter during a fitness class.

Jody is a mother of three with a sweet tooth, a desk job at the IRS, and a membership to the Roy gym. Her story is influenced by all these factors. One that starts in despair and ends in her joining a group of people who used to be diabetes sufferers.

Jody's battle with diabetes started when she was a baby. A long line of aunts, uncles, and grandparents, on both sides, had contracted Type 2 diabetes before her.

It starts with being active

Jody's battle with diabetes started when she was a baby. A long line of aunts, uncles, grandparents, on both sides, had contracted Type 2 diabetes before her.

There is her love for sweets. She said she would take the chocolate every time. She has worked at the IRS since 2006 and has to sit at a desk for eight hours daily. It was in Jody's case that the recipe looked for a diabetes diagnosis.

It is estimated that 94 million Americans are prediabetic, and she was 31 when she was warned. Jody decided to join a gym. She decided to go to a CrossFit gym because her sister, Jenny, had joined a gym and lost a lot of weight.

Jody thought he would be able to get out of it. She would lose a bit of weight in the process.

The opposite happened. She continued to eat the candy and chocolates she had stashed in her car after she finished her workouts.

She put on some weight.

At the beginning of the year, her blood work showed she had crossed the line from pre-diabetes to diabetes. She was sent home with Metformin, the starter medication for new diabetes sufferers. The woman came to the gym crying. She received a lot of sympathy, but she also received a stern warning from her coach, who is a physician's assistant.

Jody gets emotional talking about it, but he just looked at her and told her to take it seriously. Every day, people are killed by this disease.

Where do you begin?

That made me afraid. I needed it to rock my world because nobody had said it was that harsh. It was hard to swallow the pill that I was doing it to myself and I had been in denial.

The gym sponsors a nutrition challenge. Jody agreed to be a part of it. She added healthy food to her diet and cut out junk food. She drank a lot of water. She took 10,000 steps. Six days a week, she attended classes.

When she joined the gym, she was 220 pounds. She had her energy back. She didn't have to take a break. There was a gap between her stomach and the steering wheel when she got in the car. Those were just the nibbles. She had her checkup in July and says that they will call the next day if there is anything to report. Wehn she got a call the next day, the nurse said that her numbers were awesome. You have stopped the Diabetes. They are so good that you are not pre-diabetic anymore.

Jody was crying at the gym after celebrating with her family. She received hugs and high-fives instead of sympathy. People who commiserated with her in January celebrated with her in July.

A mother of three who reversed her Type 2 diabetes through exercise and diet is participating in a fitness class at Roy CrossFit. Since Jody reversed her diabetes, three years have passed. She's eating better. She admits that she has made mistakes. She admits to being addicted to sweets and went on a bender last year.

After that, she was relieved that her blood work numbers were okay. I thought I was doing terribly, but I think my habits are better than the ones that lead to diabetes. I make changes and choices that affect the choices I make. I know what I need to do to stay healthy, even though I am not perfect. Hard work is what it is. It is not always uphill, but it is not always downhill.

She says that the community is great because of the people who want to be healthy and the people who cheer you on to do hard things. I feel better in my 30s than I did in my 20s. It is easier to live when you are well.

A mother of three who reversed her Type 2 diabetes through exercise and diet is pictured at Roy CrossFit.

"Strongly recommend 3-months order since stimulating inactive and underperforming hair follicles is a process that takes time.”

Where does Cannabis come in?

I know what you’re thinking… how can a plant that is notorious for giving people the munchies also promote weight loss? Typical “stoner” stereotypes suggest that smoking marijuana will lead to binge eating and weight gain. 

Well it’s a little complicated, but yes, it’s possible to lose weight while using marijuana. In fact, medical marijuana is known to help ailments such as anorexia and help increase appetite in cancer patients, but now research shows it can be used to help lose weight. Below, we’ll go over the strains that promote weight loss and introduce the cannabinoid responsible for appetite suppression—THCV. 

  1. Cannabis Strains That Promote Appetite Suppression 
  2. THCV Is an Appetite Suppressant Compound in Marijuana
  3. What Does Science Say About Marijuana and Obesity?  
  4. Tips for Munchies and Weight Loss
  5. Can CBD Oil Reduce Food Cravings? 
  6. The Final Verdict

You can use cannabis while losing weight through the appetite suppressant cannabinoid THCV or through using the infamous munchies wisely to your advantage. Research shows that cannabis consumers are generally a slimmer population with lower fasting insulin levels compared to those who do not consume cannabis. Before we get into how marijuana can be used for weight loss and which strains are best, let’s have a look at the cannabinoids involved.

Cannabis Strains That Promote Appetite Suppression

  • Tangie (Skunk lineage) 
  • Girl Scout Cookies (Durban Poison lineage) 
  • Durban Poison
  • Jack the Ripper
  • Dutch Treat
  • Skunk #1
  • Doug’s Varin 
  • Willie Nelson 

It is believed that consumers who use strains that share a lineage with the above strains will also benefit from THCV. If you have chosen to consume THCV strains simply for weight loss, try microdosing. For general information on cannabis strains for beginners check out our article here

THCV Is an Appetite Suppressant Compound in Marijuana

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) are two cannabinoids that play significant roles in our appetite and metabolism while under the influence of cannabis. THC stimulates your appetite and is responsible for the munchies, while THCV acts as an appetite suppressant. While THC is an intoxicating compound in marijuana, THCV can be consumed without the intoxicating effects commonly associated with psychoactive compounds (5). THCV antagonizes, or decreases, the activity of the CB1 receptor in relatively small doses while activating it at higher doses. Evidence suggests that cannabis users are less likely to be overweight or obese. Researchers hypothesize that decreasing CB1 receptor activation leads to a healthier weight (2).