Cannabis industry growing, but stalled
There are still some issues holding up the sale of cannabis to adults over the age of 21 in Guam.

The cannabis industry has been waiting for the rules to be developed.
The rules were adopted by default on May 30, 2022, after the Legislature failed to act on them. The government of Guam was given another 90 days to process applications.
The cannabis identification card applications were accepted by the Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation. According to The Guam Daily Post files, the ID card was just the first step in obtaining a cannabis business license.
The Cannabis Control Board and DRT approved responsible official applications for two men
Stephen Roberto of Guam's Real Deal and David Cruz of Pacific Group. An officer of a company or person who operates or controls a cannabis provider is responsible.
Roberto told The Post that his application to become a responsible official was approved. Each entity that wishes to do business as a recreational cannabis company needs to have an official designation before it can proceed further.
Roberto said there were a lot of hurdles ahead of the recreational cannabis industry. All cannabis products in Guam must be tested for specific standards by a certified independent lab.
The department stated in a press release that a new application was available for businesses that wanted to be a part of the local adult-use cannabis industry.
Some preliminary applications have been approved. The new application form for a cannabis establishment was due to be released. Retailers, a cultivator, and testing laboratories are included in the nine companies.
After applying for a cannabis establishment license, businesses are required to apply for a permit. Each type of license will have different requirements according to the director. She said that the testing laboratory would have to comply with Department of Public Health and Social Services requirements.

The first cannabis application for a testing laboratory was approved by DRT at the end of October.
A licensed person who represents cannabis-related establishments is referred to as a "responsible official". The Cannabis Control Board approves official identification cards for these people.
The business intending to establish the laboratory is Pacific Analytical Services, which is owned by Shintaro Okada.
Cannabis and cannabis products can't be sold without being tested for safety and potency by a facility licensed by the Department of Public Health and Social Services. The cannabis industry in Guam won't be able to open a store without a testing laboratory.
We have told all of our applicants that there is no testing lab at the moment. "So, we're happy that we're finally seeing an application for a testing laboratory, because we've been waiting for it for a long time."
There are six steps to getting a business license. About halfway through the process, applying for the official identification card is done.
The Office of the Attorney General is reviewing the application form for the cannabis establishment license.
The cannabis establishment license application is currently in draft form and we have provided that to the AG's office for their review. We're trying to get that out as soon as possible.
After securing his spot as Guam's next attorney general, Douglas Moylan told the Post he wouldn't have the office involved with the cannabis industry.

According to The Guam Daily Post, Moylan said that the Office of the Attorney General will not attempt to prosecute or arrest anyone for being involved with local cannabis sales.
As Guam's attorney general and even as an attorney, he must abide by federal laws, including the island's Organic Act, because cannabis is a Schedule I controlled substance.
What would I do with the cannabis laws passed by the Legislature? I don't want to touch them. Moylan said that he wouldn't have anyone in his office deal with any statute that would promote cannabis or do anything for the purpose of being involved with that Schedule I controlled substance.
He doesn't intend to help DRT enforce licensing laws. He will not be an obstacle in the process of licensing and permitting cannabis businesses.
Is the dispensary going to open? He said no to the Post.
Moylan thinks it is improper for the outgoing AG to offer legal assistance to DRT and other agencies as they try to pass rules and regulations regarding cannabis.
"He's openly engaging in it and allowing his attorneys in his office, assistant attorneys general and deputy attorneys general to engage in what I see as an illegal activity and I do not want to risk myself or my office or anyone's attorneys to be engaging in cannabis activities," Moylan I'm not going to prosecute them, I'm not going to arrest anyone, and I'm not going to penalize anyone. It's up to the federal government to decide if I'm going to touch it.
Keywords: cannabis, Cannabis Control Board, cannabis establishment license, Guam Daily Post

Kentucky Medical Cannabis Order Kicks In
Patients in Kentucky have some legal protection for using medical cannabis.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed an executive order in November of last year that will allow residents with certain medical conditions to possess and use small amounts of medical cannabis. The Governor was frustrated with the lack of action on the part of the Legislature.
In his final Team Kentucky Update for 2022, Governor Beshear said he did his best with the executive order.
The executive order is imperfect because the legislature should have done it a long time ago. It isn't the answer, but I hope it gives pressure.
Palm cards are being issued to law enforcement to make it easier for them to understand what is and isn't permissible.
Governor Beshear met with a medical marijuana group.
He said that many Kentuckians with chronic pain are looking for relief. Moms for Cannabis is a group of people who are looking for health solutions that don't sacrifice the quality of life.
The Governor mentioned in the update that medical cannabis could be an alternative to opiate drugs. In Kentucky, the opiate epidemic is very bad. He was the state's Attorney General and focused on the problem.
Governor Beshear said on his Facebook page last week that he ran for Attorney General because he wanted to hold the companies responsible for the damage done to Kentuckians. I sued these companies more than any other AG in the country because they put their bottom lines over the lives of our people.

In Kentucky, the issue of opiate drugs is still a big problem. According to the Kentucky Injury Prevention & Research Center, the state had the third-highest age-adjusted drug overdose death rate in the United States in 2020. The number of Kentucky residents who died from a drug overdose increased by 14.6% in 2011. At least one type of drug was involved.
Keywords: Kentucky Governor Andy, Governor Andy Beshear, Andy Beshear signed, Governor